Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gay Men vs. the 8th Grade

Drama : [1990s]noun. Excessive fuss over a situation

As some of you may know..my Sunday was filled with an excess of DRAMA. Without going into the gory details, lets just say that poor judgement was made by all parties and alcohol was involved.

Coiencedently, my Supervisor at work had a Drama filled Sunday with her 13 year old daughter, who is in the 8th grade and attended a school dance Saturday night. Lets compare notes shall we?

8th Grade Drama or Gay Drama?

- "But he was kissing someone else!!"


- Text messages nasty notes to sidekick all night long

- Text messages nasty notes to Blackberry all night long

- Drama spills over to friends and causes a fist fight.

- Drama spills over to friends and causes a slap fight.

- Drama continues over into next day and interrupts classes.

- Drama continues over into next day and interrupts work.

- Person being kissed against his/her will blames himself when acutally is the vicitim.

- Person being kissed against his/her will blames himself and cries.

- Asshole causing drama can't let it go and doesn't realize it is backfiring causing all parties to hate him and get him blackballed from parties.

- Bitch causing drama can't let it go and doesn't realize it is backfiring causing all parties to hate her and get her blackballed from pom squad.

So there you have it. Castro Queen or 8th Grade Princess... one in the same.

(image taken from www.Misterkitty.org. I want to give photocredit so that no one can throw a big hissy fit today.)


Blogger StratoCade said...

I see two operative differences:

1) 8th Graders generally remember what they did to cause the drama...

2) 8th Graders generally aren't "Seagull Friends", who just fly in, shit all over everything, then fly off.

4:33 PM  
Blogger dpaste said...

But we gays enjoy our drama so much more than the 8th graders do.

4:48 PM  
Blogger the doc said...

Don't have a clue as what you are talking about. Just glad to see you are up, alive, and blogging again. Thought you had taken a basement apartment and been buried by a minor earthquake not reported in the main stream media.

7:05 PM  
Blogger Pookie Pie said...

Oh, pickle....

Into each of our lives a little drama must fall. Don't fret none.

SMOOOOOCHES!!! Ya know I luvya!!!

8:59 AM  
Blogger Chox said...

Seagull friends. I love it.

3:22 PM  

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